Our Vision
To give children a curriculum which enables them to explore and discover the world around them confidently, so that they have a deeper understanding of the world we live in. To achieve this involves exciting, practical experiences that encourage curiosity, questioning and problem solving.
Subject Leader: Katie Strawbridge
"The important thing is to never stop questioning."
-Albert Einstein
At the Forest Edge Learning Federation, we aim to give our pupils a range of stimulating and problem solving experiences to help children secure and extend their scientific vocabulary. We want our children to become confident, life-long learners who will explore the world around them. We encourage open mindedness so children interpret their findings critically and do not always expect the ‘right answer’.
Our project-based curriculum has been created to promote higher-level thinking skills in all our pupils and encourages them to make meaningful links both within and across subject disciplines. As a result, our Science curriculum has been developed to give children meaningful experiences of how science can be used in real-life situations, which will allow them to form valuable connections between Science and other disciplines. Science will therefore not be taught in weekly sessions, and will instead be taught as a block immersed in the progression of a topic. Throughout pupils time at our schools, they will revisit and build upon the skills they have learnt to ensure that they are embedded in their understanding. Alongside the taught Science curriculum, Science will be taught through Forest Schools to enhance learning and ensure that pupils retain the skills they have been previously taught.
Across our federation, we have resources readily available to support high-quality learning for our pupils. As a federation, we keep up-to-date with the latest resources to keep our curriculum relevant. The children in each school have access to a class-set of chromebooks and iPads, enabling them to work independently on a range of projects.
Across our federation we believe Science is learned best when children operate as scientists. Within lessons, our approach to teaching places an emphasis on problem solving and curiosity. Across the federation, we adopt a teaching sequence based on the Hampshire learning journeys, which encourages children to problem solve by using ideas to predict what might happen, to hypothesise why something didn’t happen and to find out what happens (investigating). All of these forms of problem solving require conceptual ideas (scientific models of how the world works). Investigating also requires children to use ideas about evidence and how cause and effect relationships can be tested. A range of opportunities are given for children to develop transferable skills such as observation, communication and teamwork and to allow mathematical skills to be applied.
The approach to the teaching of science at Forest Edge will result in an engaging, high-quality science education that provides children with the foundations for understanding the world which will prepare them for further education and life. They will meet the standards expected at the end of each key stage.
Formative assessment is ongoing during lessons and project review times, and misconceptions are addressed by the class teacher. Summative assessments are collected in the form of review quizzes throughout the year, which class teachers use to check understanding and inform future recap sessions. Subject leaders monitor the progress and attainment of children against the progression of skills during the Explore and STEM terms and identify any areas for future development of the curriculum, CPD for staff or support for particular pupils.
Health and Safety
Children will be taught to use scientific equipment safely when using it during practical activities. We will develop a pupil's ability to look at a new context/situation and see what hazards exist; managing them to reduce risks. Teachers will check equipment regularly and report any damage; taking defective equipment out of action. A risk assessment will be carried out in line with school policy with regards to any school trips or investigations out of school grounds. Teachers will consult for advice on control measures to put in place when running activities with specific risk, and an annual Primary Science Safety Audit will be completed.